All this year we are celebrating our 10th year anniversary of the restoration of the gardens. Our second event is July 17 featuring author Debra Knapke known as the Garden Sage presenting Simplifying your Garden at the Protestant Chapel followed by tours in the garden. Please click to register or go to our events calendar. Debra has written a number of books including "Perennials of Ohio ".
Check out our events calendar and save the date for our next event on August 6th.
(Click Title Above to Register)
Saturday, March 4, 2023 10:00am-11:30am
A walkabout of the Grotto Gardens located on the Dayton VA Medical Center campus
Gettysburg Entrance (Rain date March 11, 2023)
Space is limited
No fee but registration is requested via our website: Daytongrottogardens.org
How do you identify a tree when there are no leaves on it?
Join us for a leisurely walk on level, paved paths with
Mr. Kay Linden of Woodland Cemetery as he helps us identify trees using the bark and buds of the trees in the Grotto Gardens. Questions encouraged!
The Grotto Gardens Volunteers are celebrating 10 years of restoration efforts of these post civil war era gardens. This program is the first in 2023 to be offered as part of our commemoration of this decade of work. Please follow us on Facebook (VAGrotto) or on our website for more events coming up.
There is parking and a restroom on site. Please dress for the weather.
Directions to the Grotto Gardens are on our website.
OSUE Master Gardener Volunteers can receive 1.5 Continuing Education credits.
Please use the Grotto Gardens website to register and identify as a Master Gardener Volunteer.
2022 Historic Dayton VA calendar
if you are interested in learning how to become a volunteer at this historic site, please contact...
A recent recognition was earned by AVHC’s Grotto Gardens Sustainment Committee vice-chair, and former AVHC Trustee, Robert Kincses. Earlier this year Robert worked with the Miami Valley Communications Council