Thomas Jones, US Navy veteran and Dayton National Cemetery Honor Squad (DNCHS) member, has been a member since June of 2015, but not a charter member and continues to serve two days per week as daily commander on Tuesdays and any position needed on Wednesdays from rifleman to squad leader or daily commander. He has served or substituted in most positions in the HS and is in his 6th year as the Honor Squad Commander.
One of Jones main strengths is communication to all HS members. He is responsible for maintaining the professionalism, dignity, and protocol of the HS including making sure that orders, bylaws, and procedures are followed. He works closely with the recruiter to keep all daily squads staffed with volunteers.
The Honor Squad is a great team of volunteers and HS officers that function wonderfully. Maintaining the Honor Squad would be difficult without all the professionalism and dedication of the people that Thomas works with.
Jones believes that the merger of the Honor Squad the with AVHC will prove to be a great strength, for all aspects.
The Honor Squad mission is to make sure all deserving deceased veterans receive proper and dignified "Full Military Honors" while assisting DOD, (Department of Defense). The Honor Squad performs the ceremonial rifle salute, but performs all honors including the folding of the flag and Taps in the absence of DOD.